This is what I think is the best approach to build websites with WordPress.
Wordpress is a powerful tool for creating professional websites in short time with the support of many developers who made a lot of useful plug-ins. The website developer no longer has to write the website code line by line, but they only need to know the best plugins and themes necessary for the purpose of the website.
Finding the plug in before to build the website is really important. This because, after choosing the plug-in, many informations are inserted into the database according to the rules of the chosen plug-in. Changing later the plug-in can be problematic because the previously entered informations are deleted or, in the best of cases, imported into the new structure with a non-indifferent conversion job. The choice of the plug-in and, in general, the design of the site has to take into account the overall performance that affects the classification of pages or posts and overall of the entire site in the various search engines.
Next, the choice of the theme is important to give to visitors the opportunity to appreciate the site: a site is not only appreciated for content but also for appearance. Like a beautiful girl, it look is a great business card to bring visitors closer, clearly then the beautiful girl must also have something interesting to say otherwise the visitor finds no other interest in returning.
WordPress can still be customized importing the internal code. In this way, wordpress can be seen as a framework with a lot of functions very well organized also to respect SEO rules.
the follow video is the first of of a nice playlist that described rules and functions.
Have a nice work!